Mission and Goals
The Maryland Association of Pupil Personnel (MAPP) was created as your professional association in 1947. It is the mission of MAPP to provide opportunities for Pupil Personnel Workers to grow professionally, develop skills, and network with colleagues in order to share best practices in the field of student services. We also work in conjunction with the Maryland State Department of Education to address issues such as certification requirements, and professional standards for Pupil Personnel Workers and keep our members informed of legislation impacting our work with students and their families. As you know, Pupil Personnel Workers work tirelessly with families, school staff, and numerous community organizations to address a multitude of issues impacting the academic success of our youth. It is the goal of MAPP to provide quality professional development opportunities that contribute to these efforts.

Many of you are familiar with MAPP as the group that coordinates Spring and Fall conferences in and around the Maryland geographical area. Conferences serve a great purpose by providing Pupil Personnel Workers with the latest in staff development, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) updates, skills, and strategies to meet the demands we all face within the homes, schools, and communities in which we provide services. Conferences are also a great time to recharge and reconnect with friends from across Maryland. We will continue to provide quality conferences for Pupil Personnel Workers.
This year the executive board has identified the following areas of focus for this school
Continue to expand the membership base
Greatly enhance communications with MAPP members
Provide opportunities for greater participation among MAPP membership
Identify a liaison/representative from each County/department in the state
What we ask is that you consider playing a role in MAPP. We need your presence and your voice at our meetings. Maryland is a wonderfully diverse state with many talented educators. Our goal is to have one Pupil Personnel Worker from each school system join us for our monthly meetings (about two hours, usually the last Friday of each month). We hope to see you there!